Keyboard Shortcuts

QuickBooks Desktop Shortcuts you might find useful


The following are all date-related shortcuts:


1. Y = First day of the Year

2. R = Last day of the yeaR

3. M = First day of the Month

4. H = Last day of the montH

5. T = Today

6. W = First day of the Week

7. K = Last day of the weeK

8. + = Next day

9. - = Prior day


The following are navigational shortcuts:


10. Down arrow = Move DOWN a line

11. Up arrow = Move UP a line

12. Ctrl + 1 = Show important QuickBooks data

13. Ctrl + 2 = Turn on QBWIN.LOG

14. Ctrl +A = Chart of Accounts

15. Ctrl + C = Copy text to Clipboard

16. Ctrl + D = Delete transaction – item

17. Ctrl + E = Edit

18. Ctrl + F = Find

19. Ctrl + G = Go to another account register

20. Ctrl + H = Get transaction History

21. Ctrl + I = Create Invoice

22. Ctrl + J = Customers, Jobs

23. Ctrl + L/Down arrow = List

24. Ctrl + M = Memorize

25. Ctrl + N= New transaction

26. Ctrl + O = COpy transaction in register

27. Ctrl + P = Print

28. Ctrl + Q = Quick Report from List

29. Ctrl + R = Go to transaction Register

30. Ctrl + T = Recall memorized Transaction

31. Ctrl + U = Use item on list

32. Ctrl + V = Paste text from clipboard

33. Ctrl + W = Write checks

34. Ctrl + X = Cut text to clipboard

35. Ctrl + Y = DisplaY transaction journal

36. Ctrl + Z = Drill down report/undo last change

37. Ctrl + > = Next word in field (right arrow)

38. Ctrl + < = Prior word in field (left arrow)

39. Ctrl + Down arrow = Scroll through list while in form

40. Ctrl +Up arrow = Scroll through list while in form

41. Ctrl + Left arrow = Prior word in field

42. Ctrl + Right arrow = Next word in field

43. Ctrl + Del = Delete line

44. Ctrl + Enter = Record Entry

45. Ctrl + Page up = First item/list (prior month/register)

46. Ctrl + Page down = Last item/list (next month/register)

47. Ctrl + F1 = Hide/show cue cards

48. Ctrl + F6 = Next Window

49. Ctrl + Ins = Insert line

50. End = End of field

51. End End = End of transaction

52. End End End = Record transaction, default

53. Esc = Cancel edit, close window

54. Home = Beginning of field

55. Home Home = Beginning of transaction

56. Home Home Home = Beginning of register

57. Page down = Scroll DOWN a page

58. Page up = Scroll UP a page

59. Shirt + Tab = Move to prior field

60. Shift = Center open window

61. Tab = Move to next field (or Enter)

62. Alt + F4 = Exit program

63. Diamond = Move list item, make sub-item

64. Escape = Cancel entry or close window

65. Space bar = Mark or unmark check boxes


QuickBooks Desktop Shortcuts you might find useful


Ctrl + Alt + I Invoice

Ctrl + Alt + W Check

Ctrl + Alt + E Estimate

Ctrl + Alt + X Expense

Ctrl + Alt + R Receive Payment

Ctrl + Alt + C Clients

Ctrl + Alt + V Vendors

Ctrl + Alt + A Chart of Accounts

Ctrl + Alt + L Lists

Ctrl + Alt + H Help

Ctrl + Alt + F Search Transactions

Ctrl + Alt + D Focus the left menu

Ctrl + Alt + ? Keyboard Shortcuts List


Ctrl + Alt + X Exit transaction view

Ctrl + Alt + C Cancel out

Ctrl + Alt + S Save and New

Ctrl + Alt + D Save and Close

Ctrl + Alt + M Save and Send

Ctrl + Alt + P Print

Windows system key combinations

Windows program key combinations

General keyboard-only commands

Shell objects and general folder/Windows Explorer shortcuts

For a selected object:

To copy a file

Press and hold down the CTRL key while you drag the file to another folder.

To create a shortcut

Press and hold down CTRL+SHIFT while you drag a file to the desktop or a folder.

General folder/shortcut control

Windows Explorer tree control

Properties control

Accessibility shortcuts

Microsoft Natural Keyboard keys

Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType software installed

Dialog box keyboard commands